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My bucket list

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my Bucket List . So, my bucket list is not short. On my bucket list I have different ideas and things that I'd like to accomplish someday.  Between my ideas and plans is to finish this race in the university, which is the hardest thing of all. But, I have other ideas, like: jump in parachute, go to Disneyland, go to the concert of Maroon 5 and more.   The things I've done are: travelling outside of Chile, go to Katy Perry concert or learn how to make rice and noodles.   The other thing that I would like add to my bucket list, is live in New York City when finish studying. As well as, I would like have more cats, and adopt a dog and call it Thor, as the god.  I want to do some things with other people, like living in New York City, I want to do alongside some close friend.  My bucket list it's very important for my, because I want to do many things and I feel like live is really short to do so many things.

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